Why You Should Be Buying a House This Summer in Laval - Équipe Sollazzo - Remax

Why You Should Be Buying a House This Summer in Laval

As the warm months of summer unfold, the real estate market in Laval heats up with exciting opportunities for prospective homeowners. If you’ve been contemplating buying a house, there’s no better time than this summer to take the plunge. As the season boasts the most ideal moving conditions, you might find yourself joining the crowd of people moving on July 1st.

1. Favorable Market Conditions

Historically Low Interest Rates

Interest rates have been at historic lows over the past few years, and while there is always some fluctuation, the summer season often sees competitive rates as lenders attempt to remain competitive facing the booming business. Low interest rates mean lower monthly mortgage payments and less money paid over the life of the loan.

Inventory Levels 

Summer is traditionally a busy season for real estate. Many homeowners aim to sell during the summer months, resulting in a larger inventory of houses on the market. With more homes on the market, sellers are often more willing to negotiate, resulting in competitive pricing. This dynamic can provide buyers with the opportunity to secure a favorable deal with a home that will suit your needs and preferences, making it a prime time to invest in Laval real estate.


2. Ideal Moving Conditions

Better Weather

Summer weather is generally more predictable and pleasant, making it an ideal time for moving. Unlike winter, when snow and ice can make moving more challenging, with frosted staircases, snowstorms and slippery roads, summer offers clear skies and warmer temperatures, ensuring a smoother moving process amidst carrying boxes and driving across the city.

School Break

For families with children, summer provides the added benefit of not disrupting the school year. Moving during the summer break allows your kids to settle into their new home and neighborhood after their final exams and before the new school year begins, reducing stress all around and making the transition smoother for the entire family.

Moving Day

In Quebec, Moving Day traditionally falls on July 1st, transforming the province into a bustling hub of activity as many leases end and begin on this date. This unique tradition dating all the way back from New France results in a high turnover of properties, creating a dynamic real estate market with increased listings and opportunities for prospective homebuyers. This period offers an excellent chance to explore a diverse range of available properties and settle into a new community during the vibrant summer months.


3. Financial Advantages 

Tax Benefits for Buying a House

Buying a house can offer significant tax advantages. Homeowners can often deduct mortgage interest, property taxes, and certain closing costs from their taxable income. By purchasing a home this summer, you can take advantage of these deductions for the current tax year.

Appreciation Potential

Real estate generally appreciates over time, making it a sound investment. By buying a house now, you start to benefit right away from potential appreciation in property value. With the market trends indicating steady growth, your home could be worth significantly more in the future.


4. Personal and Lifestyle Benefits

Stability and Control

Owning a home provides a sense of stability and control that renting cannot match. When you buy a house, you are free to make modifications and improvements to suit your taste and lifestyle without needing landlord approval. As the sole owner of your house, you are also unshackled from a lease and from the fear of getting evicted from your apartment for renovations or other purposes. This personal freedom can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction, well-being and security.

Community Integration

Buying a house often means putting down roots in a community. Homeownership encourages a deeper connection to your neighborhood and can lead to more meaningful long-lasting relationships with your neighbors. The summer is usually the perfect time to partake in friendly neighborhood activities that can enhance your overall quality of life and make you feel a sense of belonging.


5. Long-Term Investment

When you make monthly mortgage payments, you build equity in your home. Unlike rent, which is a pure expense, mortgage payments contribute to your ownership stake. Over time, as you pay down your mortgage, your equity increases, providing you with a valuable financial asset for further real estate investment purposes, retirement, or even to pass down to your kids and grand-kids in the future. This can all be part of your long-term financial strategy and used to leverage future larger purchases.



Buying a house is a significant decision, and timing can play a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of homeownership. This summer presents a unique opportunity to take advantage of favorable market conditions and ideal moving weather. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade, now is an excellent time to make your move. Start your home-buying journey in Laval with Team Sollazzo this summer and reap the many rewards and advantages that come with owning your own home.

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